Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Identity Thief

I think it is safe to say that we have all at some point or another had an identity crisis. We feel that our hair must look a certain way, or we have to wear a certain brand of clothes. An even greater example is the shape of our bodies.

During this crisis we look to things that will give us some sort of identity. This could be a boy, a job, a college major, clothes, youtube, internet, and the best one yet, social media. That's right, my friends. This generation seems to be one that drifts towards the "Insta" identity.

Social media makes it so easy to recreate yourself into the person you want to be, rather than who you are. Its easy to hide behind a computer and be whoever you want to be because you think that its okay. Well, its not okay.

I have news for you. You are not beautiful based on the selfie you posted on Instagram, you are not awesome because you got 50 retweets on Twitter. You are beautiful and you are awesome because you were made in the image of someone much greater than any of your followers.

Genesis 1:27 says, "God created man in His own image..". Believe it or not, God didn't throw you into a mold to make you just like everyone else. He took the time to hand craft you, to make you you. 

Take your fingerprint for example. NO ONE has the same fingerprint as you. Identical twins do not even share the same finger prints. No matter how hard you try, you could never be anybody better than being yourself.

Social media is an identity thief. It allows you to mold yourself into someone that you're not. It permits you to hide your flaws. It gives you the capability to say things you don't mean. While you may not believe it, you are essentially creating a false version of yourself.

I say this not to bring you down and make you feel guilty for have Twitter or Instagram, because they can also be used for good things, I say this to encourage you.

You are exquisite, unique, priceless, beautiful, and most importantly you are you. You were given your own fingerprint because you aren't supposed to be any other person but you.

So stop looking for self worth in the number of followers you have, forget all the retweets, and remember that you were made in the image of God.

He loves you for you, and I guarantee that other people love you for you too. 

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