Monday, February 2, 2015

Check Your Ticket

As I listened to Spotify while I was studying earlier today, I heard a song that said "Heaven is for good people." I just kinda laughed because if that's the case then about 98% of the world is doomed (myself included).

I am definitely not writing this to argue with the lyrics of a song from the twenties. I am writing this to give you hope.

Heaven is not a place for "good people." Christianity is not a religion of "good people."

This guy named Paul was put in jail for being a disciple. One night as he stayed in his cell, there was this huge earthquake that practically tore the whole jail down. The prison guard was about to commit suicide (because all of his prisoners had escaped) and Paul told him to stop. His own prisoner told him to STOP before he harmed himself. The jailer turned to Paul and said, "what must I do to be saved?" and in verse 30 of Acts 16, Paul said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved..."

This man who had practically tortured two innocent men, believed in Jesus and he was saved. Just like that.

"Heaven is for 'good people'" HA.

The world tells you that you must be this and that, or do this and don't do that. The world tells you that you are not good enough. The world tells you that you can't love Jesus and be awesome. The world tells you to do what "feels good." Wrong. Are you ever completely satisfied with that?

I fell in love with Jesus two years ago in July. I said yes to Jesus and all my shame, hurt, and guilt flew out the windows of a high school auditorium. I did not earn that, it had been given to me. I did not buy that one way ticket to heaven, Jesus bought it for me.

I was not a "good person." I had hurt people. I had pretended that I had my life together. I said some bad words, and I even thought some bad things about other people. I was a sinner saved by grace. I definitely had not earned salvation.

Things changed for me, and they got way worse before they got better. Why? Because I was being remade to fit the purpose of the King and not myself. Being consumed with yourself gets really tiresome and lonely. Being consumed with Christ changes your life.

So what's the point? The point is that you understand that you have been bought. He chose you, all you have to do is choose Him.

Another fun fact is that God did not choose "good people", He chose the ordinary. He chose a man that killed thousands of Christians (Saul), and changed him to become one of the biggest gospel speakers throughout the nations (Paul). He chose the ordinary to do the extraordinary.

Check your ticket, friend. Where are ya headed? You can turn it all around. Just say "I am Yours. Forgive me. My life is in your hands." Done.

You can throw away all the lies that make you believe that you are not good enough, because there is nothing you can say or do to make Him love you more or less.

You cannot earn what has been given to you, friend. Take it. 

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