Friday, February 27, 2015

3 Ways to Get Out of Your Slump

There are some days when you feel like you just have to start over. Those days can extend to weeks, months, and maybe even years. Slumps are tough. There are times in our life where there is a 3-2 count, bases are loaded, and you just strike out.

And then you think about that strike out for a long time. You picture that moment, that last swing, and you think about all of the things you could have done differently.

I've been there, several times, and I am sure you have too.

The thing is, when we consume our thoughts with all that we have done wrong, and all that we could have done differently, we lose sight of every
good work that has been done through us. We forget about the people around us, and we focus on our troubles, instead of rejoicing in our triumphs.

That is not okay.

Go ahead, focus on yourself, and see how far you go. And why is that? Because we are human and we have a certain capacity. Believe it or not, we will peak at a point. We can only grow to be so many feet tall, until we stop. We can only do something right so many times before we do it wrong. Face it, we peak when we operate on our own strength. We make to the top, only to roll all the way back down.

Thankfully, there is good news.

We can make it out of a slump. We can overcome the strikeout. We can make it through the time we said something we didn't mean. We can move forward when we made the choice we knew was wrong.

In Mark 9, Jesus was approached by man begging him to heal his son. He said "If you can do any thing, take pity on us and help us!" Jesus replied and said "If you can? ALL things are possible to those who believe."

So what does this have to do with anything?

This family had a son that had been possessed by an evil spirit. There was nothing the family could do. They were helpless and burdened for their son. So they bring him to Jesus, and Jesus is quick to tell the doubters that all things are possible for those who believe.

You could be the one suffering from depression, the person with major insecurities. You could be someone that completely screwed up and never actually recovered from it. You could be the parent of a child who has wandered far from the path you intended. You could be in a slump.

So here are 3 ways to get out of your slump and into victory:

1. Take your problems to the feet of Jesus. Tell him how you feel, talk to him as if he were sitting right beside of you.

2. Give him control. Don't just give him some because he wants it all. When you can't surrender something to Him, you are practically forcing yourself to carry a load you cannot bear.

3. Thank Him. Rejoice in your triumphs. Praise Him for all of the times that you hit one out of the park, and praise Him for that strike out, because he could have just saved you from breaking a leg on the way to first base.

Friends, life stinks, but Jesus rocks. You can't win this game on your own. Choose Him because He has so graciously chosen you.

John 3:16

Monday, February 2, 2015

Check Your Ticket

As I listened to Spotify while I was studying earlier today, I heard a song that said "Heaven is for good people." I just kinda laughed because if that's the case then about 98% of the world is doomed (myself included).

I am definitely not writing this to argue with the lyrics of a song from the twenties. I am writing this to give you hope.

Heaven is not a place for "good people." Christianity is not a religion of "good people."

This guy named Paul was put in jail for being a disciple. One night as he stayed in his cell, there was this huge earthquake that practically tore the whole jail down. The prison guard was about to commit suicide (because all of his prisoners had escaped) and Paul told him to stop. His own prisoner told him to STOP before he harmed himself. The jailer turned to Paul and said, "what must I do to be saved?" and in verse 30 of Acts 16, Paul said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved..."

This man who had practically tortured two innocent men, believed in Jesus and he was saved. Just like that.

"Heaven is for 'good people'" HA.

The world tells you that you must be this and that, or do this and don't do that. The world tells you that you are not good enough. The world tells you that you can't love Jesus and be awesome. The world tells you to do what "feels good." Wrong. Are you ever completely satisfied with that?

I fell in love with Jesus two years ago in July. I said yes to Jesus and all my shame, hurt, and guilt flew out the windows of a high school auditorium. I did not earn that, it had been given to me. I did not buy that one way ticket to heaven, Jesus bought it for me.

I was not a "good person." I had hurt people. I had pretended that I had my life together. I said some bad words, and I even thought some bad things about other people. I was a sinner saved by grace. I definitely had not earned salvation.

Things changed for me, and they got way worse before they got better. Why? Because I was being remade to fit the purpose of the King and not myself. Being consumed with yourself gets really tiresome and lonely. Being consumed with Christ changes your life.

So what's the point? The point is that you understand that you have been bought. He chose you, all you have to do is choose Him.

Another fun fact is that God did not choose "good people", He chose the ordinary. He chose a man that killed thousands of Christians (Saul), and changed him to become one of the biggest gospel speakers throughout the nations (Paul). He chose the ordinary to do the extraordinary.

Check your ticket, friend. Where are ya headed? You can turn it all around. Just say "I am Yours. Forgive me. My life is in your hands." Done.

You can throw away all the lies that make you believe that you are not good enough, because there is nothing you can say or do to make Him love you more or less.

You cannot earn what has been given to you, friend. Take it.