Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Run Forrest, Run

I can imagine that you are reading this from the sitting position; which is great because I am writing this from the sitting position.

I went on my first run in a long time yesterday and I remember it well (along with my legs, gag reflux, and feet). I decided that I was going to run for fifteen minutes around campus. At around eleven mins into this run I make way to the nearest bush and had my lunch for the second time... Ew.

Needless to say I am way out of shape.

Hebrews 12:1 says we are to run the race with endurance. The race being referred to here is the race of life. 

I think it would be easy to say that life is a marathon, no doubt. There are ups and downs, a start and a finish, and some people make it to the end before others.

So my question for you today is, are you a spiritual runner?

Runners never start off running 26 miles at a time. They slowly build up their mileage throughout days upon days of running.

I would say that a good definition of a spiritual runner would be: one who meditates on the Word daily, prays without ceasing, seeks God's will and not their own, and spreads the gospel.

Often times we only see the word "endurance" in that passage and we automatically relate it to rough times, and we think that this endurance is automatically given to us.

Well I hate to tell ya, God didn't just fill you full of endurance powers, just like beginning runners can't run a full marathon. BUT God did give us all the tools we need to acquire endurance. So He says meditate on my Word, throw off the things that weigh you down, pray without ceasing, love me over everything else in your life.

I can guarantee that your spiritual stamina will increase ten-fold if you do those things. Talk about running with endurance. You may not even break a sweat. More importantly, you won't lose your lunch.

So I ask you again, are you a spiritual runner, and are you doing what is needed to run this race with endurance? If not, my best advice is to get up and....

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