Well let me tell ya, I have. For both. That's right, I "started" my college kid diet about two months ago, and it hasn't gone anywhere.
So tonight, I'm going to share with you a wise statement from Andy Stanley, who founded Northpoint Ministries.
In his book, The Principle of the Path he says, "Direction not intention, determines your destination". Let me say that one more time, "direction not intention, determines your destination".
Folks, you can intend on becoming a doctor, being a great student or employee, and having a strong relationship with God. But the key word there is INTEND.
Your intentions mean nothing without direction. And by direction, I mean action. Putting these things into motion.
I just finished up my first year at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, otherwise known as Blue Heaven. and what a year it was. You know how there are 5 stages of grief? PAUSE....Well I'd say there are five stages of your freshman year in college.
You've got the "Scared Out of My Mind" stage. Which is; mom can't wash my clothes, tell me when to wake up, or check my grades on the internet. Not to mention, I have to try and not get lost every day for the first two weeks. And I have no friends.
Then there's the "Oh Yeah, I've Got This All Down Pat". You start making friends, and lose the obligation to go to class. And then BAM, you fail that test, and you're "Whaaaat?".
Next comes the "Just Get Me to the End of This Semester". This is when all eating habits go downhill because your stress level climbs thanks to that failing test grade. You are also missing the home that you hated so much before college.
Then you've got the "BRING IT ON SECOND SEMESTER I'M READY FOR YOU". This happens after Christmas break and New Years. Your resolution is that you are going to make the Dean's List while being the greatest social butterfly. WRONG.
Now the 5th, and final step, which is the hardest to get to, but the best part of it all. It's the "I'm Not All That" step. This is the part where you stop with your good intentions, and you start realizing that it takes a lot more than your words to make it through college.
Friends, you are in your comfort zone here. You have your possy, your family, and life is somewhat stagnant because you are in a routine. You check Twitter, Facebook, Instagram on a daily basis, sometimes hourly, and life seems to continue moving.
When you take the next step, whether that be college, or a job, whatever it is. I want to encourage you with these three things:
1. Go in with the mentality that you are going to do everything whole-heartedly.
2. Find people that genuinely care for your well being and encourage you on your walk with Christ.
3. Never let your pride keep you from being humbled, and never let your stubborness keep you from becoming wise.
I'll tell you this. I struggled initially, but I soon found a fix for all my struggles. I came to know Christ in an intimate and passionate way this year at UNC, and I can tell ya right now, my life will never be the same.
When we allow Christ to come into our lives, we create room for growth, wisdom, and joy. We begin to understand and grasp what's important, and we lose sight of the things that once corrupted us.
And tonight I want to encourage you with this,
No matter what path you are taking, choose to let Jesus guide you and give you direction, because I promise you that it won't be easy, but it will lead to beautiful things. Pursue Him, chase after Him, and consume yourself with Him because He loves you more than anyone on this Earth.
Deuteronomy 31:6 says he will NEVER leave you nor forsake you.
Lamentations 3:25 says the Lord is good to those that pursue him
Galatians 2:20 says I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God. who loved me and gave himself for me.
So tonight I ask you to pursue Christ, seek Him, believe in Him, and trust in Him, and your life will be changed forever.
Direction not intention, determines our destination.
Congrats Class of 2014. You made it.